Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Swing

"Since her days of being a toddler, she's loved the swing. It was her domain, and she ruled it. When her father built it for her, she couldn't be happier and since that time on, she commanded that swing, like a Captain of a ship. Her father even addressed her as captain when she swung. She and her father were the only two to ever swing on it."

"She had vowed never to swing on that swing again after her father died, so she wondered why she was swinging now, with this boy. The sadness of her loss still dwelled within her. But two new emotions came: guilt for swinging with this boy on the very swing her father built; and then a very confusing emotion, complete and utter ecstasy."

"He showed her new things, he brought her out of her darkest moments and made her cheerful again. He showed her how to be at peace, and how to view life as a wondeful thing."

"As she looked out onto the land the most calming feeling overcame her. And for a moment, she felt as though her father were right beside her, sharing her emotions and sharing the magestic view. She smiled with exhilaration, she new her father was there. She was filled with courage and new what she had to do to get it Bane back. She had to run after him. She made her mistake and regretted it more than she has ever regretted anything in all her life. So she packed her things, and hoped that she still had time."

"Annabelle found the flower seeds in her father's study. They were her favorite flower, so she took the bag and planted the flowers everywhere."

"Coming back here brought back memories of Annabelle's childhood. She would come here in the forest and explore for hours and hours. She would play with the animals that resided here, and occasionally, she would think up imaginary friends. There was always that feeling of danger when she played in the forest though. Right now it was different and she didn't know why. As she stood beside Bane, she thought. It was security. She felt safe in his presence. It was more perfect here now."